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》 carve up! 《
In 2016, Rémy Sax started to release his first songs under the name Carve Up!. Since then, Carve Up! has grown from a solo project to a five-piece band. Carve Up! developed in parallel with the independent label AuGeil Records. This bond is reflected in a strong d.i.y mentality and the wish to create something toghether. The band explored various recording techniques, collective songwriting processes and set up a shared studio in winterthur. Carve Up! toured Japan with their album “A Packed House”, released in 2023. A new album is currently in the mix.
The groups sound moves between indie rock, shoe gaze and noise experiments. Multi-voiced vocals are a central element on all their releases. There is often a certain mischievousness hidden in their lyrics, that seem dark at first. This dichotomy - between cheerfulness and despair, well played and punk, writing alone or together - creates a tension that is reflected in the band's sound and is discharged at live concerts.
Carve Up! - A Packed House (30:30) - Album - 2023artwork by Jana Kohler, typo by Rémy Sax, photos by Rémy Sax→
Carve Up! - Selftitled (37:41) - Album - 2022
artwork & typo by Rémy Sax, photos by Jana Kohler →